How to size a cot for your dog
So you want the benefits of a dog cot (training tool, temperature control, indoor outdoor cleaning capabilities, etc) but you don’t know what size. Here we go…
1) if you have one of our pillow beds just match the size so you can stack!
2) Weight maximus: small = 100lbs, medium = 120 lbs (something or other about the weight gravitates towards the middle) and large = 100lbs
3) Sleeping style = curled up or stretched out??
4) Sharing. Do you have more than one dog and do they like to share?
If I use my dogs as the example, they can fit on a small (barely), like a medium and totally stretch out on a large and they’re each 55-60 lbs depending on the season and such.
Any other questions? A lot of description info is in the product listing, but we’re available in the chat box if you need us!