Want to collaborate?

We take it as a huge compliment when people, dogs, rescues and brands reach out to collaborate!!

But it goes without saying, we can’t work with all of you or we’d go bankrupt...

So, here’s a few things we look for:

1) high quality social media esthetics 

2) engaged audience that stays out of online drama

3) accounts that don’t use their platform to push personal agendas

4) people and their dogs who are already customers or those we communicate with on a regular basis

5) we like to keep things professional, yet friendly and we hope you do too

So, those things being said, we are generally two months or so out from taking on new promotional relationships. There are several ways we collaborate: 1) fundraisers benefitting animal organizations 2) influencer type promotional product send outs, 3) photography only product send outs, 4) cobranded bed collections with other companies and 5) participating in giveaways.

If you’re interested in any of the above, we have a mailing list specific to collaborations: CLICK HERE

Thank you for your interest in working with us...every request puts a smile on our faces!


What size bed will your dog love??


Care instructions